
Once a significant rival to Steam in the realm of online game sales, Desura has experienced a series of transformative events throughout its history. Initially, Desura made its mark by catering to independent game developers, offering them a specialized platform for launching their games and fostering connections with a dynamic user base. This platform was celebrated for its robust support of the community, its streamlined approach to updating games, and a wealth of resources dedicated to developers, making it a haven for indie game development.

Desura's journey, however, has been marked by several challenges. Beginning its operations under DesuraNET, the platform saw a series of changes in ownership, first falling under the umbrella of Linden Lab and later, Bad Juju Games. The acquisition by Bad Juju Games in late 2014 signaled a significant shift, as the company soon faced financial difficulties. Issues such as delayed payments to developers brought to light deeper organizational problems. The situation escalated when Bad Juju Games went bankrupt in mid-2015, leading to Desura suffering from operational disruptions and periods of instability.

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