
Creative Bioarray is offering cell immortalization service. Based on our experienced scientist team and elaborate technical platforms, we have been able to successfully immortalize cells from any species and any tissue with the function you need. Our custom immortalization service can significantly extend replicative capacity of your target cells, which saves your time and money over trying by yourself.

Cell culture is an essential tool to study the fundamentals of genetic background variables. With the development of personalized medicine, this applies increasingly to the development and safety testing of drugs. Currently, primary cells are used for these purposes. But primary cells are usually not available in sufficient numbers and the reproducibility of assays is limited. Applying this immortalization technology enables rapid, efficient, and reliable production of unlimited numbers of personalized cells. As such, these cell systems support mechnistic studies, epidemiological research, and tailored drug development.

Cell Immortalization Technology

There are several methods for generating immortalized cells. One method is introduction of a viral gene that partially deregulates the cell cycle, such as EBVSV40 T antigens and HPV-16 E6/7 gene. The cellular gene encoding human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTert) has been successfully used for the expansion of several cell types that retain important properties in vitro. However, this approach is restricted to certain cell types as others either need the concerted action of additional immortalizing genes or the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. Another method is to employed a lentiviral vector library encoding several selected genes, this works well with different cell types and allows the preserving of typical cell properties. Creative Bioarray will choose the best method to establish your personalized cell lines.

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