Topic outline

  • Introduction to the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience

  • Are you assigning MWEE 101 with your workshop, training or college course?

    Workshop, Training, or Course Instructors: We require instructors to review their participant's work in this course. Please contact Krysta Hougen-Ryall at to learn how.

    • Prepare for Instructions!

      Cartoon of a student pushing hard on a door when it says to "pull"

      You are about to dive into some instructions. We are always working on improving these instructions and making them as easy to follow as possible. Yes, there are a couple steps to follow and they are all necessary! 

      All these steps allow us to keep this course self-paced with a rolling enrollment. These instructions are to ensure your progress in this course and your submitted essays are saved and, we are notified if and when you want your work in this course reviewed to receive a Certificate of Completion.

      To make sure you don't become this student (pictured) - send any questions about taking this course to Krysta Hougen-Ryall at

      • Start Here

        To start this course, you need to (1) create an account in Chesapeake Exploration and (2) enroll in MWEE 101.

        Learn how by watching the videos. Click the expansion button within each video to watch it full screen; there is no sound. You can review the video transcripts and slides from the videos at your own pace by clicking into each video's page.

      • Pre-Assessment

        To access the MWEE 101 Lessons, you must first complete this Pre-Assessment. Make sure you are currently logged into your Chesapeake Exploration account and enrolled in this course.

        This pre-assessment was added on June 3, 2022. If you had previously taken the course before this date, you will need to complete this assessment to make the lessons appear again. We also updated the way we collect essay responses. Contact Krysta Hougen-Ryall at if you would like a copy of essays submitted before June 3rd.

        • View Receive a grade