2. Why are we concerned about carbon dioxide? (2 videos)

The video in the last assignment and the first one here were both released by NASA Goddard as part of their outreach efforts for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 mission. This video (in addition to the National Climate Assessment reports you have looked at already) opens the door to thinking about how a closed systems (like the earth) can get out of whack when changes are made to the atmosphere.

A Breathing Planet Off Balance (2:32) 

Consider, why are we so concerned about carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere? What makes it a heat-trapping gas? What other atmospheric gases fall into this category?

This video (6:52) by a researcher at Colorado State University provides an explanation of why certain gases are of interest.

Consider, how might your students/visitors move like a molecule? A fun thought experiment and perhaps a whole new interactive learning opportunity in the making.

Last modified: Friday, May 4, 2018, 3:42 PM