Other Mapping Sites - Useful in Education (or otherwise)

The Ask...

During this online course and when we meet in person later this month (April) we will be looking at a couple of examples of Mapping sites that we hope are useful in your education programming.

In the table below feel free to suggest some other sites you use or want to suggest to others.  To do this just click on the edit tab above.


Resource..... URL..... Description
Wiki Watershed Model My Watershed https://app.wikiwatershed.org  Analyze real geo-data, model storms, and compare potential impact of conservation and development scenarios in a watershed.
Yardmap http://content.yardmap.org Habitat Network is a citizen science project designed to cultivate a richer understanding of wildlife habitat, for both professional scientists and people concerned with their local environments. We collect data by asking individuals across the country to literally draw maps of their backyards, parks, farms, favorite birding locations, schools, and gardens. We connect you with your landscape details and provide tools for you to make better decisions about how to manage landscapes sustainably.