Integrating Action within programming

ideas for student action

ideas for student action

by Jaime Johnson -
Number of replies: 2

We have had and worked on some of the following ideas for student action:

How to change our school campus to improve infiltration?

-  students can redesign the campus from scratch to increase infiltration

- students select an area on campus to focus on to change to reduce runoff

How to reduce the amount of salt entering our local stream that comes from our parking lots and streets?

 - students wrote letters to the county roads crew to make them aware of their findings, suggested alternatives to road salt to the custodial staff, or developed a system to collect or reduce the impact on salt on the local creed

How to increase the native bee population on campus?

 -students made bee hotels to hang at their homes to increase native bee populations

 - students made and distributed seed bombs containing native plant seeds to provide food to native bees

In reply to Jaime Johnson

Re: ideas for student action

by Kathy Clowe -

How did your school react to you all building bee houses?  I got lots of push back from my school.  Unless I could "guarantee that no one would be stung" we were not allowed to do it. I can't guarantee that no one will be stung when they walk outside to get to their next class!  So we had to do all of our bee house and insect hotel building for their homes.  I am interested to see how other schools handle this. 

In reply to Kathy Clowe

Re: ideas for student action

by rachael coffey -

We were allowed to put up bee houses as long as it was a certain distance (I think it was 200') from the building. We have an outdoor classroom and a woodlot and were able to hang them out there.  Anyone that would be going to the outdoor classroom or woodlot with a teacher would have already been identified as having a bee allergy.