Local Impacts Discussion

Local Impacts

Local Impacts

by Kayry Segarra -
Number of replies: 1

Teaching in Baltimore City, there are many buildings that lack efficient heating and cooling systems. This past school year, I had my students research the difference between insulators and conductors. With this information, I asked them to design their own school that would have proper insulation, to reduce our energy consumption. This led to some really creative and out of the box thinking.

Perhaps, in the future, students could look at trends of climate and try to design a way to regulate temperature better using the climate. They could also come up with other ways to heat up school buildings that do not require fossil fuels. 

In reply to Kayry Segarra

Re: Local Impacts

by steven matsen -

That's a great idea to look at building efficiency as a way to tie in your campus to larger scale problem of global warming.  Hope you don't mind if i steal it=)