5. What are your initial thoughts on teaching climate change?

Thoughts on teaching climate change...

Re: Thoughts on teaching climate change...

by Sharicca Boldon -
Number of replies: 0

I am thinking about the preparedness risks more inland as well. The flooding in Baltimore at the end of May prompted the city to release some preparedness guidelines this week. Helping to disseminate preparation tips might introduce a helpful service learning aspect for my students. 


Here's an excerpt from the email that the planning department released this week:


This image to the left is of the flooding on Frederick Avenue in Southwest Baltimore on May 27th. That day, Special Rescue Operations personnel rescued twenty-one people by boat in Southwest Baltimore around Frederick Avenue (see image to left). One hundred row homes and apartments were damaged. The flood risk in Baltimore City is real. Communities near the Gwynns Falls, Jones Falls, and Herring Run are especially at risk. The 2018 Atlantic Hurricane season began June 1st  and ends November 30th. 

Here is what you can do to prepare for riverine and coastal flooding: