What are your thoughts on how the content from this section (as well as previous sections) might support components of a MWEE?

MWEE ideas

MWEE ideas

by Jaime Johnson -
Number of replies: 6

My potential ideas:

Examine the air quality (ground level ozone) surrounding our school to determine what parts of Maryland are safest to live in due to good air quality. Students could track levels, measure their own exposure, and use that to change transportation policy, like allowing buses to run after they are parked.

Bay level rise and its impact on our school district- students could determine those vulnerable areas of their district, examine possible solutions and costs with implementing them or moving residents.  

Health issues surrounding insects- with warmer temperatures insects are emerging early and living longer.  Examine scientific publications, collect data on campus, and link that to possible health issues, and what the government should do.


In reply to Jaime Johnson

Re: MWEE ideas

by Candice Autry -

Hi Jamie, 

I think about the code red ozone days and do not want to be outside.  Here is an interesting study from the CDC about ground level ozone:  https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/66/ss/ss6613a1.htm

See you soon, 

Candice Autry

In reply to Jaime Johnson

Re: MWEE ideas

by Elise Trelegan -

You've got some great ideas going here, Jamie! Thinking about your first idea about air quality and bus idling... there was a NOAA Climate Steward from a few years back who is a teacher and had a very successful campaign that was directed by her students. I wouldn't call it a full-fledged MWEE but it's certainly on a track that you might be interested in exploring. Here is a paper that she pulled together that you might be interested in: https://aamboceanservice.blob.core.windows.net/oceanservice-prod/education/earthscientists/pdf/tes-spring-2016-student-anti-idling-campaign-dale-glass.pdf

In reply to Jaime Johnson

Re: MWEE ideas

by Carole Blake -

Great ideas, Jaime! Let's incorporate them all next year. We will need to cut something out to fit them in, but  I think we both know where we can do that. I look forward to planning this summer with you.

In reply to Jaime Johnson

Re: MWEE ideas

by Sharicca Boldon -

I was thinking about measuring/reviewing air quality as well. I would like to possibly look at differences across the city and note how tree canopy/vegetation density are related and then look deeper into the social/economic/political drivers behind any disparities that we find.